Dill/Schiller classes learning about the 3 states of matter in a root beer float😋
Dill/Schiller classes learning about the 3 states of matter in a root beer float😋
Dill/Schiller classes learning about the 3 states of matter in a root beer float😋
Dill/Schiller classes learning about the 3 states of matter in a root beer float😋
"Pick up your packets from the Elementary School today! Packets are available at the front office and will also be available at Grandparent Night. Packets are due Monday Sept. 25th. We can't wait to get started with our PAWWS volunteers!"
Please join us for fun and games! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
Please join us for fun and games! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
This third grader, Bristyl M, has a heart of gold! She received a national award today for her volunteer work with Disabled American Veterans. Mrs. Ingram’s class was so glad that we were able to celebrate her success with her! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
This third grader, Bristyl M, has a heart of gold! She received a national award today for her volunteer work with Disabled American Veterans. Mrs. Ingram’s class was so glad that we were able to celebrate her success with her! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
Please join us for fun and games! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
#ourWHY. #CSISDgoodvibes
When it rains, Mrs. Cade’s class creates during recess. #ourWJY #CSISDgoodvines
Please join us for fun and games! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
Congrats to those that earned Positive Office Referrals this week!
Please join us for fun and games! #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
#ourWHY. #CSISDgoodvibes
#ourWHY. #CSISDgoodvibes
Mrs. Cade’s 4th graders Remembering 9-11 🇺🇸 #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
Please join up for fun and games!
#ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes
Students in Ms.Roe’s class are learning to cite text evidence in a colorful way. #ourWHY #CSISDgoodvibes