Ms Brown"s Health Class
Ms Roy's class musical!
Easter egg hunt!
2nd-Grade Ms Stubbs' class hunt!
4th Grade Field trip to the planetarium in Killeen, Texas.
Happy Assistant Principals Week!
CSE is tickled PINK to have Dr. Lard as our Assistant Principal!
CSE wants to "TEAL" you how awesome Assistant Principal Mrs. McNew is!
We have been incubating eggs for the past 3 weeks in 2nd grade and they are starting to hatch! 🐣
CSE is proud to have SUPER SONIC Assistant Principals!!! We love Dr. Lard and Mrs. McNew and all they do for CSE!
Cougar Pride Press- March China Spring Elementary
Mrs. Smith's 3rd graders are working hard on solving elapsed time problems. If you have a 3rd grader try asking them some questions while you are cooking, running errands or just let them teach you this fun strategy!
The Three Minute Jump Rope Club keeps growing! Great job girls!
The last day to turn in bags is April 12th
We would like for every student to have a shirt while competing during Field Day on May 17th. Any donation made above the $8 will go towards students who are unable to purchase a shirt.
Two fabulous teachers, Stacy Dill and Lorri Schiller lead a lunch-n-learn over bringing science to life today. Our teachers walked away with ways to incorporate reading and writing in science. Thank you to the North 19th HEB for providing yummy sandwich box lunches!
Mrs. Smith's second graders are having fun measuring with non-standard units! If you have a 2nd grader ask them what that means, and have fun measuring objects around your house with non-standard units!
The last day to turn in bags is April 12th
Congratulations to last weeks Cougar All Stars! Thank you for showing your Cougar PRIDE all week!
Hi!! Can you post the following please…
“Only 1 week remains to order your student a 2023 Cougar Olympics (field day) T-shirt. We would love for ALL of our students to show their Cougar Pride while competing in this year's events on May 17th. To order, please print the attached form and send either cash or check (written out to CSE) to school by Friday, March 31st.”
Last day to collect bags is April 12th